Clear Mindset – Burnout (1of)

This is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion. Typically caused by, prolonged exposure to emotionally demanding situations.

The following may cause burnout:
– Working long hours, weekends etc.;
– Your holiday (from work) consists of work;
– Your self-esteem is based on your work/clients etc. etc. etc.

Clear Mindset – Burnout

Clear Mindset – PTSD

Despite the fact that many people experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime, only a small portion will develop PTSD.

Also, studies have shown that a large portion of PTSD sufferers have at least one other psychiatric disorder.

In most cases, you are not going mad, you are not crazy and you are not losing control (some argue that it’s a “normal response to abnormal events”).

Clear Mindset – PTSD

Clear Mindset – Problem(s)

If a problem isn’t handled correctly, it can/may lead to a bigger problem. Hence, follow these simple rules to resolve:
– Clarify the problem; and
– Look for (and apply) a simple solution.

Clear Mindset – Dear Prospective Clients

Please be patient while we unpack 4-80years of your life/history.

Although we aim to carry this out as quickly as is reasonably practicable, we need a little bit more (time) than a session (or two).

Nevertheless, therapy is a life long journey…and…Welcome aboard…

Clear Mindset – Social Media

Do you find yourself looking at other (persons) pages/profiles on social media?

If so, is it for ‘comparative reasons’? (I.e. are you comparing yourself to others?)

If yes, this might be causing you more harm than good.